Clomid, Gonal F, Ovidrel along with IUI

Hello ladies! 👋🏻
I have had four rounds of Clomid and Ovidrel along with IUIs... no success ☹️ only grew one follicle around 18-20mm each time, lining is perfect.. slight male morphology issue. (I'm told IUIs take this issue away)
My RE is putting me on 100mg Clomid days 3-7 along with 75 units a day until it's timed to trigger with Ovidrel and <a href="">IUI</a> time.
Super nervous about this, seeing as this is the last resort, we can't afford the $13k rounds of <a href="">IVF</a>.
Just wondering (hoping) if anyone else has had success with this regiment? And if so, how many cycles did it take? Singleton, twins? 
Thank you in advance for your stories/comments! 🙏🏻