even though he drives me insane I still love this man

Leah Margaret • 3 children to adore, and adding one more! My fiancé Craig and I are expecting pink bows on 06/04! 🎀
I have three children. Two from an 8 year relationship and one (my oldest) from a 5 year relationship. Yet this man, my fiancé Craig, whom isn't that great at relationships and can sometimes drive me insane is the BEST to me when it comes to our daughter. Even though he is worried out of his mind, and is stressed beyond belief he still rubs my stomach, makes me feel beautiful when I feel like I look like hell (even here I feel horrible). He talks to her, and kisses her. He's just amazing with her already, yet thinks he's going to be a horrible dad. (Because when his sister walked out on her twins for two years and he had to step up as a father figure and take care of them he wasn't thrilled having to do everything a father had to when he was just uncle). I tell him things will be different with his own child, that the cries won't be as bothersome, and that changing diapers won't be as bad... and that even if things are rough for him that he will NOT be alone. We will raise our daughter together. We will be our own family, with my children ( Gabriel, 8. Devlyn, 6 and Sage, 17mths) as part of our extended family. (Right now my children live with their fathers until I am able to sufficiently support them financially and gain back rights from co-guardian to having visitation and then 50-50 splits with my exs, whom I luckily get along with and am civil with now.) But truly, Craig believes he is going to be a horrible father because his niece and nephews cries bothered him, and doing everything for them as a father when he didn't need to was bothersome at times. BUT he did it all, and loved and lived for them for many years. That alone shows me how amazing he will be with our unexpected surprise of our little nugget, our little princess (the little girl he wanted: definitely would have had some gender disappointment if we were having a boy as this will be our only child and he desperately wanted a little girl. So much so I've allowed him to choose her name. And he chose so well: Solaria). I can't stop bragging about him and all he does for me, his family, and even my children, when he doesn't need to do anything for us. He looks at things much differently than I do. He was raised much differently than I was. And at times that can and does cause arguments but we talk about it and I understand him and, I believe, he understands me. That's why we will work so well together as parents and why when he asked me to marry him I said yes immediately. Things ARE rough right now. He is worried about what people will think when I'm the breadwinner and he's a SAHD, when in my opinion it's not a situation that people need to put their two cents in... I prefer working and he has such severe anxiety (social, panic disorder, bi-polar, and PTSD) that it's impossible for him to work with people. Yet he is still looking for work, as I left one job I left and before finding a new employer I became pregnant and NOW I'm showing to the point that no one wants to hire me, possibly train me, just to have my leave in 14-16 weeks. I know, as I've been in retail management and hiring with over 5 years experience. (And an addition 10 years on top of it in just general retail). I'm rambling now but with things being so stressful between us being two unemployed adults living at his parents house and unexpectedly becoming pregnant... while his parents believe im using them for house, rides and money (they believe in using my fiancé for these things too) and will think I purposely got pregnant to "keep them taking care of me" (WAY FAR FROM THE TRUTH)... well this has made it difficult to tell them about the pregnancy. They still don't know. They never liked me. 
Anyways, I am blessed to have him. Even though our views are different, we were brought up differently, and many other factors I still love him so very, very much. And I am PROUD and overjoyed to be carrying and holding his little girl. ❤🎀 you can see by the way he is holding me and the look on his face how he feels.