So basically I'm in love. Normally, when I crush on someone, it passes within a few weeks and I move on to the next one. But I'm crushing hard now. This has been going on for around 2 months.
I realised this was the case when I bumped into him at an event, I panicked and my legs were shaking so much they practically gave out underneath me. I got sweaty and I couldn't  formulate a sentence and then I was cringing and blushing in the corner for an hour afterwards.
Now, I see the guy once a week, maybe twice if I'm lucky. He's so genuine and lovely that I wasn't anything special at first - he chatted to me as he did with all of the others that were with us. But I have recently tried to start overcoming my shyness and I have made an effort to stand out more. When we make eye contact, I don't look away awkwardly, we just hold the gaze. When we have a conversation, I have tried to make more significant contributions and jokes, which seems to be working. I have also tried touching him more... not anything creepy but when I put my arm around his shoulder, I move my hand closer towards his neck and give it a little squeeze.
Last week, I was pleasantly surprised when he moved in very close to my face, and I stayed there! (As much as got nervous and wanted to move away)
Ohhh my goshhhh I just absolutely love him.
I do worry though that he's out of my league. He's a little older than me, and a little less socially-awkward, but he still is quite socially-awkward and we have the same interests. He has already done so much with his life, which intimidates me. I feel like I am technically on a par with him, but I somehow have this feeling like I'm not worthy.
I don't know what to do to make myself feel better...??