Just So Sad

Got two BFP last Thursday and told my hubby and our best friends. Waiting until my dr appt on March 22nd to tell everyone else. It's my first pregnancy so I was very nervous about everything. 
Wanted to see a darker line today so I took another test because it's my 25th birthday and it was still so faint. By the time I left work today, I was bleeding lightly. Bought some more tests and got a negative on a digital. Started sobbing hysterically in our bathroom and called my husband who came straight home. Have barely stopped crying all afternoon and evening now that I'm bleeding heavier almost like a period though I have no normal period symptoms like cramps. 
I'm just so sad - devastated is more like it. I want so badly to be a mom and we just started TTC on Christmas Day so I know it hasn't been very long but three positive tests and then nothing? And on my birthday of all days. I just feel heartbroken and upset. My husband has been great emotional support all day, but it's just so hard. I was only 4 weeks 1 day but I guess I was already so emotionally attached. 
I don't know if it's too late to throw in the towel or if I should call my doctor tomorrow for a blood test. I don't think there's anything they can do now if it's already miscarrying but I'm trying to hang onto any sliver of hope. 😥😥