boyfriend is getting distant because of my health ?!

Yes , it's my fault ... I talk about it constantly . I'm in pain constantly ... my back hurts and I have major cramps , I'll get weird discharge and things just seem to be going wrong ... I've gone to the doctors , had tests and swabs done . I'm clean of all stds and I'm still waiting on blood work and ultrasound results.  I don't feel like I'm fun anymore because of the pain and it's been happening since November ... I don't feel like doing anything active or much at all really ... and I feel like it's all I talk about and it's putting a strain on my relationship . My health is all I think about right now ... I'm in constant pain so it's constantly on my mind. And it's also preventing me from going crazy in the bedroom and I feel like we are having sex less because I'm worried I have some sort of infection and that we are passing it back and forth without him knowing . I understand that it's putting a strain on our relationship ... he acts sad almost and distant when we are together and I talk about it or when I don't want to have sex. Please help ?! What can I do to destress and have some fun while I'm waiting for the results and to stop myself from talking about how I feel . He keeps suggesting we work out and stuff but im constantly cramping .