help! moderate cramping after ovulation?

Hi ladies! Wondering if anyone else has experienced this... 
My partner and I have just started trying to conceive, and I very commonly have sharp pinching and a sore lower abdomen on the side of ovulation when I do ovulate every month, right on schedule.
This month, I've been testing for my LH surge (which was 4 days later than my usual), which came back positive Saturday. I felt my usual pinching ovulation feeling Sunday. Today (Monday) I'm very crampy, like I'm about to start my period and my lower abdomen hurts with very mild pressure.
Early signs of implantation? Inflammation from sperm? Salpingitis?
I've never felt this after ovulation before and am a bit worried it's actually the start of a uterine infection, etc. I work in the biomed industry so sometimes knowing too much is a bad thing!
anyone else experience cramping the day AFTER ovulation?! Potentially first pregnancy and have no idea 😫