Lump on the back on my neck???

Rubi • Married💍💕 Mommy of Isabella 👶🏼✨ Sept'2017👶🏻⏳ Insta-Rubi.mariano SC-Rubi_mariano
I haven't been feeling good for about 2 days.. I have a small ball on the right side of the back of my head.. and I went to the doctors for this a while back ago but they told me it's just a cyst but they can't really do anything. & Now I have a small little ball on the left side of my head like on my neck and I have the worst pain. It feels like a really bad migraine but on my neck. Idk if that makes since lol. But I'm in the worst mood rn idk what to do. & I don't even know if I can go to the hospital since I owe money and my Medicaid is in process.