Just want to cry!! 😒😒😒

Jessica β€’ Proud mama πŸ’™πŸ’—
Oh wait I already am!!!
I've already was admitted at 36 weeks for 18 hours of active labor and dilated to 5cm 80% thinned but she was sky high! So then completely stalled and was sent home. Saw my doc twice after that..went down to 3cm!!! Had a membrane strip last Wednesday and nothing happened...
Walked 5 miles
Went in today 38 weeks & 3 days..doc said I was 5cm again 😳 90% thinned and she's fully engaged and dropped! They did another sweep but it was 100 times worse than last week! He put me on the monitor and said if I had consistent contractions for 20 mins he would break my water and get things going! Guess what? Nothing. I had like two. When I normally have them constantly! Sent home to come back in two days to discuss POSSIBLE induction. It wouldn't be so bad if I haven't gone through two instances of thinking the baby was coming!!! Ugh. I'm so done. Just sitting in my car crying 😭 lord give me the strength.Β