spotting? please haaaaalp.

SharaK • 20. Straight & I really like 🎂 My Profile & Cover Photos don't belong to me☺️
So I just got off my period 2 weeks ago on a Wednesday 
And I've been on birth control since I was 17 or 18 years old
I'm 20
And since yesterday I've been undergoing some spotting and it's only getting worse
Like not worse to wear I need to wear a pad or a tampon, like I can wear a pantyliner and it wouldn't overflow.
So some days I'm not super consistent with my pills
I realized I got off in days once Friday hit
And my friend says I more than likely need to go see an OBGYN
My period isn't supposed to start for another 11 days
And I haven't had sex in between these times 
What do I do?
Do I drink lemon juice or water to stall my period?
Or should I go see an OBGYN?
I would prefer an OBGYN to answer this message.
I really want to go for the first choice because I'm supposed to see my boyfriend for his birthday soon, but it's probably not the safest decision since I have no idea what's going on with my body right now.