Relationship Struggles

Sorry for the long post but hoping some ladies can help... I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. I am 24 weeks pregnant and our baby was planned. I had trouble for a couple months getting pregnant so I went to the doctor and ovulation medicine worked within 2 months. We bought a house together last Spring. Throughout our relationship, I feel like we've had a lot of issues that we've pushed under the rug instead of truly dealing with. I feel a lot of it could have been avoided through good communication but that is something that unfortunately we struggled with. He has issues with insecurity and trust. We've definitely both made our fair share of mistakes. Recently, he's made the decision to live with his best friend for a while. We have been civil for the most part besides some arguments... we talk daily and he comes over and spends nights over, and we are still intimate. A lot of the things we struggled with or he got mad at me for are now things that he's doing while he's not staying at home. He started going out a lot and started texting and old female friend which if I did, he'd chew my head off because he's always had suspicions of me cheating. I do struggle with anxiety and depression and of course it's even worse with pregnancy hormones. I have questioned him on why he doesn't leave completely if he's unhappy. I've basically told him to leave if that's the case and he keeps saying that he still wants our family together and wants things to work out but how are they suppose to if I don't feel like he's putting in an effort? I also have a daughter from a previous relationship and so there is already one child involved and I know he cares about her and loves her deeply. I just feel "stuck". I don't want to be the one to give up on our family but I just don't understand. He knows that I've been doing everything to try to improve things, he does understand that. I could write a whole book but I'm probably boring you enough already. Any words of wisdom or positive advice is greatly appreciated! I guess part of me just needs to vent and have someone listen to and share any thoughts you can. Thank you ladies!