husband isn't horny! help!!!

Lately, my husband hasn't been horny. Won't fuck me wont even finger me! Our sex has been sucking too. Only gives me quickie morning sex for a few minutes before going to work. Other than that it's been dead. I try to get him horny... set a bath light candles... all he wanted to do was watch tv. I even offered to give him a BJ when we were in the car.. he had a boner but then it just never happened. I gave him a BJ and he asked me if I wanted him to cum.. I said no... but he "mistakenly" thought it was a yes and came in my mouth without warning. Then wondered why I was so angry. I'm horny and I keep having sex dreams about other men but I just wanna have sex with my husband. Oh, another thing. He only like having sex in the bedroom, the same way we always do, for the same amount of time. It's vanilla at best. When he cums, that's basically it for the day. I feel like I'm having sex with an old man sometimes. He's only 30. 
Send me your thoughts please!!! I'm desperate here!