Broken and disappointed.

I've been with my ex boyfriend for 3 years. For the last year we've been on and off, but this time we lasted over 3 months which I considered something that was going serious again. We broke up yesterday, he has an addiction, smoking and drinking. When he does that he completely forgets about me and even ignores me when I text him. He had girls in his room yesterday. I asked his sister who were they and she told me that they were his friends. He didn't message me the whole day either, so I told him that I was tired of the fact that he forgets about me, and I told him that he had to choose, either he stops the drinking, smoking and bringing girls to his room or we break up. He replied to me with "👍" and I replied with "alright" . He chose that and them over me. And it makes me feel like he never really cared about me. We're both 17, and there's a high possibility that I can be pregnant right now.