DPO test again or no?

I believe I'm 7 DPO, and I've had a stuffy nose, sore throat and achy feel. Kinda like the flu. I took a test this morning, BFN. But the other day, idr what DPO, I had a LITTLE creamy white discharge on my panties, nothing when I wiped, never would have even seen it except I was wearing black panties. Then, today, a little more creamy white discharge, that I actually felt, because I thought I started my period, ran to the bathroom expecting to see blood, and nope! I don't have regular periods, and I don't know when I'm supposed to start this period, I only know my ovulation day because I was at my obgyn that day and she told me my tests were positive for ovulation. So question is..... is this an AF sign? Or pregnancy? And should I test again? If so, when? TIA!