Ebf period?!🤔

Justice • son born 12-9-16👦 missed miscarriage 7-12-17 at 10 weeks👼 blighted ovum 2-5-18👼baby girl born 11-25-18👧
Hey ladies. My little man is almost 10 weeks old now and is sleeping pretty much through the night. I put him down at 7 and he sleeps until 2-3 am. I feed him and put him back down and he will sleep until 5-6, that's when we do our last feeding. He then wakes up for the day between 7-8. Since he's been on this schedule ( about a week now) I've been getting really light cramps ( barely there) and im crazy emotional ( started a fight with hubby yesterday for no real reason). I'm wondering if it could be my body gearing up for my first period? Has anyone else been through this? When did you have your first period when ebf? Is he sleeping long enough at night for me to even have a period? Thank you all!