Single moms

How do you do it? Im a single mom of 1 and I can HARDLY go a day without crying. I dont work because I'm currently breast feeding and my child has never took a bottle before! She refuses to! From day one she was EBF. I think I made a mistake there. My child has slept with me since she came home from the hospital as well. I have been trying to get her to sleep in her crib but no. And I'm not doing the cry it out method so not an option. Shes 13 months old. Refuses solids most of the time. I thought her having solids will make her want to stop nursing but guess not. I dont know what Im doing wrong.😔 I literally have no help. No family. Her father doesnt want involved in her life WHAT SO EVER and his side of the family doesnt help with her. Im so stressed out. Any advice on how I can wean her of breast milk without causing her stress? And any advice on how I can get her to trust people? She never allows anyone to hold her. She screams and throws her body back. Like she throws really bad tantrums if its not me holding her. Just need advice