I don't feel safe!

I went in to the er at the end of janurary because I was spotting and got an ultrasound. I measured at 5 weeks when I thought I was 7 so they told me to make a fallow up app. I made one with my gyno who didn't do an ultrasound but she did an internal and told me everything felt fine. I stormed out of there and told her I would not be back. So now I have another app in a new office on the 27th. I'm so worried my baby stopped growing. I'm so unbelievably upset with my previous gyno. She did all the blood work under the sun but didn't get my hcg levels checked even knowing my concern. I feel so cheated and like this pregnancy doesn't matter. 
I do have symptoms still naseua off and on, sore boobs, mood swings,bloating. What is the point of worrying. I'm just so upset. :(