It finally broke me today.

It'll be 16 months as of tomorrow. Now we're planning to make infertility topic appointments with the doctors. 
And now today at work I have some random supervisor (not even mine) come up to me and start dictating demands to me for some other random supervisors baby shower. 
She talks to me super slow, and repeats herself like I'm a simpleton. Then she leans over and looks around my desk (looking for a gift I would bring) and says "You ARE going aren't you?" 
I said "Nope. It's not my thing." And she makes several SLOW "tsk tsk tsk"s and then says "I'll be around later to remind you of everything." 
Because I'm such a little idiot I'll forget what she just told me. 
Never was I asked to help or anything. I just get talked down to.
All the while I'm secretly struggling with infertility. Wonderful. I've been so chill about it this whole time, but this was it. There are 5 chicks currently pregnant/just given birth in my Unit of 70 people. Two have already come back to work after having their kids. 
Over this shit. Over putting everyone else first and getting treated like shit in return. 
I get it now ladies, the frustration when everyone around you is pregnant, everyone asks you when YOU are going to have kids, the pressure and struggle. 
Fuck man, I finally get it. 
Love you all.