Mirena period *Tad TMI*

My period this month is a littke different than it has been previously. I've had it for 13 months and my period has been pretty consistent with light, pink blood with yesterday a little bit of cramping (on a scale of 0 - 10 it was probably a 2 or 3) and today my period stopped and then came back a few hours later (Note: my periods have usually been like this on my usual cycle, but it's WAAAAAAY lighter than before and WAAAAAY less crampy). Now it's light again, but there's a light pink colour to my urine and when I wipe there is light pink blood.


I called my GPs RN yesterday and she called me back today saying I shouldn't be worried unless there's a weird odour or discharge, but still a little worried! Any thoughts?

**I have the Mirena**