No Romance on V-Day 😠

So my husband and I went out to dinner last night and watched a movie on Netflix to celebrate Valentine's Day since we both had to work today. Well, today was also my peak ovulation day so I was very excited to get romantic when we finally got home. But.... he decided to be a dick and start a fight 2 hours before I got off of work over who should be washing the dishes tonight ( In our house it is us, his dad and sister and one of our mutual friends who loved in just over a week ago). Now, I work night shift and didnt get off until 10:15 pm.... He was already asleep and is still asleep while I ended up having to clean the whole kitchen after getting home at 11pm and still eat something due to not having a break at work. I am now laying here next to him while he is sound asleep, fuming over once again not being able to baby dance on my Peak day because of something so stupid as dishes 😐😠😾