Do you think it's better to be married before kids or no?

MaKayla • 28. Wife. Lakelyn Abigail 7/24/2018 Seanna Morrigan 09/26/2022 😍 Miscarried 6/20/17 & 8/30/21

I just kinda started to ttc this month. We aren't going full blown ttc but it's a start. Anyways, the girls where I work told me to wait till I get married. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 1 year and 2 months. I've been living with him since 2 weeks of us dating.

He owns his own house, makes $60,000+ a year, has multiple vehicles, etc. I have a good job as well and my own vehicle. I don't see the fuss in waiting till we are married. He already said he wants to marry me just hasn't popped the question yet.


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