I NEED A CLOMID BUDDY! On cycle day 6 now.


Hey ladies!!! Did any of yall start 50mg clomid and are on cycle day 6 today? I really need someone to talk to an compare with since this infertility thing is new for my whole family so no one really understands lol. Lost my lil boy last march and apparently my over active horomones crossed an went into over drive. As of September 2016 I have been diagnosed with a more than mild PCOS. Doc finally got done with 2 cycles of blood work and started me on Clomid this cycle. I take it cycle days 3-7 then put on a Estridiol patch 2x cycle days 9-16 along with the Gufinisen and prenatals an vitamin C. I would love a chance to have another baby (or two) lol twins would be hard I know but I grew up and took care of babies since I was 10 and then went to work at daycare with infants. Honestly, I would LOVE twins! Shhhhhh...lol I want a huge family.

Anyone on the same clomid adventure?