pregnancy tests advice!

My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. Unfortunately with the stress of a new job and grad school, along with my rotating shift schedule our sex life is hit & miss some months 😖. It's both of our first times trying and I was on the Pill for 8yrs but have now been off it for 15 months. We're considering a fertility meeting next month as well to help bc now we're both starting to get anxious about conceiving....
Besides that, we were out of town this past weekend and I've been have nausea episodes in the morning for ~1 week in the morning. According to this app, I was supposed to get my period this past Monday 2/13. With us being out of town, enjoying some cocktails and my nausea episodes my husband thought I should take a (pre-missed period) prego test, "just in case", although I wasn't too worried. It was negative like I thought it would be. Any suggestions as to when I should take another pregnancy test again?? Thanks!