Having Mommy Worries, I need help!

Cat • Just living day by day :)
I had my Anatomy Scan about a week and a half ago. And my OB apt a week ago and she told me that my baby has one kidney measuring smaller than the other and my cervix is measuring too small. I'm on pelvic rest and told me not to worry and I can't help but to worry. Eveeeen though she told me that with my cervix being too low and measuring too small could cause me to go into premature labour 😐 lol. But like I'm worried and over thinking.. Like, what did I do wrong?? Was it too much salt intake? Too little?? Not enough water?? Was Sex too rough? I'm just worried and I need advice and whatnot from other mommies or soon to be mommies out there. I'm just scared. My hubby told me not to worry that maybe his kidneys will grow with him and that my cervix will be different this second time around. Idk.. I'm scared