it's a boy! oh wait... no it's a girl!

We went and had a gender scan done at a private ultrasound place two days before Christmas when I was 15w3d. They assured us they wouldn't tell us the gender unless they were 100% certain. So after three technicians and 45 minutes of looking they finally said it's a boy! We were so excited as we have two girls and one boy already this would be perfect! So we all were excited and told everyone over Christmas. Well now fast forward 8 weeks later. I had to change midwives because of insurance purposes and I just had my anatomy scan done yesterday at 23w. It was my first appointment with her and so I wasn't planning on an ultrasound so I had come to this appointment alone. I had told the midwife and the ultrasound tech it was a boy, and then we got down to the gender area towards the end and she said "it's a girl"! I started laughing and then crying and my crazy hormonal self was so confused! Of course I am overjoyed that this little bundle is healthy and precious in every way. But I can't help but feel a sadness for this little "boy" I pictured for the last two months! Anyhow, I just wanted to share our experience that in hindsight (of course it's always easy to say this) I would've waited to find out the sex. Our son who is 8 and was so excited for a brother had a hard time with the news also, but trying to get him to see he is still a big brother to this baby no matter the sex! Has anyone else gone through the gender swap thing? Any advice? I'm trying not to let myself feel guilty or be upset with myself for being sad or disappointed