No BBT spike...

Hi ladies, 
I'm a little confused. Every month I've had a very clear and significant spike at ovulation. This month the 14th was predicted to be my peak day (perfect timing for a romantic evening!) so I took an ovulation test on the 13th as my CM was turning into raw egg white consistency and it said I was in my peak day at the 13th. But the weird thing is the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th have all been within .02 degrees of each other when taking my BBT. I'm normally a pretty zig zag pattern that jumps around a lot, so staying that close 4 days in a row is weird enough. Have I not ovulated? OPK and CM suggest I have, but temp does not. I've been sleeping the same amount of time at the same temperature in the house and taking my temp at the exact same time. What does this mean?