baby refusing bottle


Wonder if anyone can help!!?? My LO is 8 months, I am still breastfeeding. At 4 months we gave her 1 bottle of formula a day so that she would be used to taking a bottle - she took it fine!! Then just last week she has started refusing it! She won't even let it get near her mouth. Has anyone had this happen or know how to get her back on the bottle??? She was slightly poorly with a cough & cold so I thought it was that & she wanted the comfort but now she is a lot better (although still has a cough) but she screams if we try & give her a bottle. My OH has tried giving it to her but no luck. I've bought new teats & new bottles but still no luck but she won't even try the bottle so it's not that she doesn't like the type of teat. We tried milk in a sippy cup but still no!! She used to have a dummy when she was first born but refused that from 4 months old & wont have that anywhere near her mouth still now. Any ideas??!