sonographer asking about bleeding

Hi all,
I went for my 20 week scan today which was all good.
Whilst having the scan she told me the placenta was high anterior. She also asked me if I had had any bleeding which, at the time, I told her I had not since my last period and that was that.
After I came out I began to wonder why she had asked and whether she had seen something bad. She didn't say anything at the end about it but it's now got my mind working overtime.
Anyone know why she may have asked something like that?
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My sonogropher asks me every time if I've had any bleeding, cramping, discharge, if I've felt baby move, etc. I think it's just so they know whether they need to be looking more closely at something! Plus they give all their notes to your Dr. So I wouldn't worry!


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I had my 19 week scan today and also have a high anterior placenta. There may have been a spot on your placenta that she saw but wasn't worth worrying about or the placenta could be in a slightly different position to your last scan if you had one earlier and she asked about bleeding because the placenta had moved. I had bleeding at 13 weeks and the only explanation they could give me was my placenta was "maybe moving up a little" I wouldn't worry though. If nothing was said then it's likely all good :) 


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Your photos and the sonographer notes are reviewed by a doctor, either at your obgyn or at the scanning location. Bring your concerns up to them, and see if there's anything to worry about. My sonographer asked me the same thing today, and then I spent an hour with the doctor going over all my results and it was never mentioned again.