possibly pregnant?

Yes, I know if you have sex without protection that there is a possibility to get pregnant. Yes, I know that if you don't want to get pregnant, use some sort of protection. I already know that, this isn't a "oh I'm scared I may be pregnant" post, I'm just curious as to who else felt this way before finding out they were pregnant. My boyfriend & I had sex on Vday, 2 times back to back. The first time, he came and pulled out but we got right back into it right after, lol. He pulled out then too, but I made another post and some girl said where he had just came, it was possible that I could be. Anyways, I have been having light/mild cramps for the past few dad. When I came home that night, I had really bad cramps, like period cramps but I got off of my period around the 6th-7th. Other than the cramps, I haven't been feeling any other difference in anything though. I know to wait til my next period and then take a test, but I'm just curious as to the early symptoms. Any comments are appreciated. 
Update; my lower abdomen has been cramping more. I just got out of the bath, and leaning up it hurt pretty bad. And I forgot to mention that I've been "leaking" ??? I don't know, really. I've bee going to the bathroom to clean up quite a few times today because I feel liquid rush out but it's only a little bit