left boyfriend of 4 years half a year ago and

And ever since I left he has basically avoided seeing me face to face in person but text me every single 5 seconds and If I don't reply he accuses me of being out or cheating.., just recently he started seeing me and our 1 year old on one weekend and had us spend the night...but when I went to the house we used to share and made it super man-ish...changed a lot around , took down all of our photos , yet claimed (were still together and it's still our house) also he has another kid from a previous that he never ever sees and went and made him his own room and a sign on the door with his name and set up a room for that kid only and got him new bedding and took down our sons crib and made the other bedroom his office...it totally pissed me off and crushed me..then tells me he doesn't even see the kid still...so doesn't usually when someone get left the man does whatever they can to get them back? I'm so confused ....he said he did it because I left but his other ex left him to and he still did that for his other kid he doesn't even see or at least he told me he doesn't...any way back on track ... earlier he was texting me and he told me "fuck you" all because I had my earring back in my ear then came back to text me "I loves you " k so it got dropped ...then he calls me and said "I'm thinking about just not doing this anymore you are a cunt" so I said "same and hung up " he then came back and texted me "Crazy u so ok with saying fuck me "
So I flat out said " I'm not going to deal with that behavior it's not right you are being mean to me" we then went back and forth with some personal issues and then he tried to blame me for what he said to me about breaking up that it's what I wanted ...he then mentioned something that threw me off he said 
"I don't chase" so I put I don't chase either and he sent me this exact text 
"Good so let's see how long u can last not talking to me the first one to text or call after this one loses so let's see who chases "
I then avoided any contact and so did he and I'm so upset I can't sleep for the life of me..