feeling like death but happy and excited!!

7 weeks and 4 days and this baby is kicking my ass already! Lol, I can never sleep because I am nauseous all day. I get peace when I fall asleep and when I sleep, I sleep for 10 hours and a 2 hour nap. My boobs hurt when I change positions in bed. I often cramp and I can't complain bc they're not bad as when I had my period. I crave things I've never ate before and now my favorite dish is my worst enemy! Luckily, im always crying and I haven't lashed out at anyone.... YET. I just want to enjoy one meal and not have if thrown up minutes after. I can't even go to a restaurant without smelling the food and get nauseous. I pee every hour and I'm at to the point that I'm gonna buy a diaper for myself. 😂 
Even though my baby is making their presence known by keeping me up and stuff and beating me. I know it's all worth it once I have my little womb nugget in my arms. ❤