How would you react??

Jacqueline • Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degree Holder 🎓3.97 GPA🤓Certified Debater🗣Mommy Of One☝🏽
The guy I've been seeing for a few years is a dj here and well known in St Louis. I'm not a club kind of girl but there have been times where I have gone out to support him. I make sure that he knows I support him in everything that he does but he calls that me giving him pep talks or whatever. Now, when I do go out, I know that of course it isn't just me there and he can't give me attention 24/7. My issue is, he saw my sister Wednesday night and told her to tell me "hi" and that I should've gone out. He barely acknowledges me when I do go out and I hate feeling like he's ashamed of me and like I'm a secret. I can deal with his flirting...I can't deal with him not telling people "hey, this is the person who's been putting up with my BS for the past four years". He's on my shit list right now and I don't feel like talking to or seeing him. How would you all react if you felt like you were being left out of the rest of his life? The sex is amazing but it isn't enough to keep me happy.