Encouraging words

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share my story of ttc with you. So after losing our baby to a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks in June, we've been trying for 7 months with no luck. I finally decided to look and see if there were any vitmains that could possibly help. After much consideration I decided to purchase what is called Fertilaid on Amazon since it had such high ratings. We got the reproductive health vitamins for female and male. Within just a month and a half of taking them we are expecting pur rainbow baby in October! The craziet thing about it is we only tried once all month the night of my positive ovulation test because the next day I cam down with the flu! Everyone would always sau"just stop trying and it'll happen" Apparently they were right because every other month we would try every other or every day! Just wanted to give all of you out there ttc some hope! Baby dust to all!😄 and maybe consider purchasing the Fertilaid