
There's a girl who my boyfriend had been flirting with for a while and she drove me crazy and I'm absolutely jealous of her. It's over now but this was like a month ago. Well I was really harsh on him and like cried about her a lot and idk she hurt me and I very clearly expressed to him she hurt me. Well I was going through their texts, bad idea, and I saw he was ranting to her about me and she had said she wanted to hang out and he said "me too but if it was in a group like it would have to be I wouldn't even get to look at you or she'd kill me I'd have to be with her the whole time" and she was like "man you are whipped" and he agreed and said he is whipped. I understand the basic definition of this word but can someone please help me understand more? I was sad about her and I cried and that led to me being a controlling bitchy bossy girlfriend who doesn't let him do anything? I wanna know how to not "whip" him if I am so called whipping him. Thanks