I think we're falling apart..

I'm so scared. I'm 23 weeks pregnant & it feels as if ever since I've gotten pregnant my so has had less interest in me. We've had our fair amount of arguments just like any couple but he wanted a baby so bad so I thought it would help. I was so wrong. I don't know if it's all my hormones but I'm so sad. He never wants to spend a day with just me. Friends always seem to have to be involved. & if I don't want to go anywhere or see anyone, he'll bring his best friend over & they'll be outside the whole day. I don't know how often someone should tell you they love you.. but he used to randomly tell me through out the day & always before bed.. now I never hear him say it & occasionally I'll tell him before bed. We did NOT have a romantic Valentine's Day. He got me flowers but he walked in with 2 bouquets & says "oh this ones for my mom" & hands me the one with 4 roses meanwhile his moms has roses & other kinds of flowers. He didn't even want to spend Valentine's Day with me. We went to his friends & I sat in the car the whole time because I was hurt. I was hurt about the flowers too honestly. I did not feel special. Call me ungrateful because I've already heard it from him.. but considering everything that's going on right now between his mom & I.. it just hurt. I can not do anything without him correcting me. I can't even walk in a store without walking too slow. I'll try talking to him & hell say "babe.. please.." like ok I just won't talk to you then.. his mother took my house key awayast week when I wasn't home & he still has yet to say anything to her about it. I really feel like he could care less about me. We are supposed to be moving out of state next month far far away from his mother because I can't be in this household anymore but I'm starting to think.. maybe I just can't be with him anymore. I'm so sad & depressed. & I try to express my feelings to him & all he comes back with is "I never do anything special with you because you would find a way to hate it" & tells me I'm probably talking to someone else & that I'm the one who wants to leave & isn't happy. I don't understand why he ha to turn it around on me & try to make me feel guilty about everything. But it hurts. All of it. Everyday it seems to be getting worse I worse & he doesn't care. I'm just sad & I don't know what to do.