how should I confront my bf

Bliss • Dog lover, fitness junkie.
So I'm in a fairly new relationship, and my boyfriend just so happens to be a musician and we had plans for tonight and he texted me and said "hey I have a show tonight so we can't hangout sorry this is important for me" and I completely understand that it's important and I do support him, more than anything and I'm happy and proud of him but my feelings are hurt pretty bad because I feel like I've been put on the back burner... because we did have plans, then something better and more interesting came along for him and he ditched without thinking twice about it.
I've talked to my friends and my family about how I feel and they think I'm being irrational but I feel completely kicked to the side because he didn't even bother making new plans or trying to compromise by saying "hey since we can't hangout tonight why don't we get breakfast or we can hangout after my show" 
Idk what to do... I do want to tell him that it hurt my feelings but at the same time I don't want to make him feel guilty or ruin his night.