induction pushed! :)

Lisa Aurora
Okay ladies just got back from my
Appointment. I am 40 + 6 today and I was supposed to be induced on Monday. My MW knows I want an all natural birth so she pushed my induction to Thursday instead. I feel much better about moving it to 41 + 5 and giving my body a fighting chance instead of jumping straight on the induction train. Sometimes baby's just like to be cooked a little longer ! She said Aurora is happy as a clam inside and we're doing a NST on Monday just to double check that she's still a happy little camper. 
Oh and I got my membrane swept today (holy freaking hell that hurt) and I totally dropped the F bomb, my midwife laughed lol, but all in good fun because I went from a 1 & 1/2 to a 3!! And it got a little bloody haha. But I'm hoping it works and we can meet our sweet girl this beautiful weekend. 
Just wanted to update my little story. Hope all you mamas are trying to stay sane too! Here's to meeting our bambinos soon! 🤗🌸🤞🏻🦋