insurance melt down

I looked at my explanation of benefits and found out my two <a href="">iui</a> treatments were declined coverage for some reason mine you I have infertility treatment coverage. I spent 45 minutes on the phone with aetna trying to explain to gat hung up on the first time! Second time they said I called the wrong department ( by the way it was the right department) last time I called I had a melt down and started ti cry it really shouldnt be this hard to use the coverage you have when you wanna have a baby 👶😭😩 The last time the claim department agreed I have coverage and that they need to manually process the claim and that I went through the right steps!! I cried on the phone with the lady I feel bad but I had spent two hours trying to get an answer!!! Sorry to just vent but Its been a long road and we still aren't pregnant 🤰😭😪 This just made me more upset!!!