Mine and Alice Olivia's birth story

Brittney • Mommy of a 4 year old girl, carrying our last baby due Aug 4, 2022
~~Very long~~
At 31 weeks I had started showing signs of preeclampsia, very high BP, protein in my urine and swelling of face, hands and feet. I got sent to Labor and Delivery just about everytime I went to the OB after that to get blood drawn to check the function of my liver, blood platelets and protein to urine ratio...I basically was in L&D triage twice a week sometimes more. I also had NSTs twice a week to make sure she was reactive and her heart rate was ok. I got admitted the first time around 31 1/2 weeks so they could monitor her and me, her heart rate would drop and my BP would spike. We stayed one night that time before they let us go home. They did a growth ultrasound at the OB the next day and she was measuring 2 weeks behind in the 16th percentile, which worried the shit out of me but they don't get concerned until under the 10th percentile. My placenta was running out of gas in turn restricting her growth. At 33 weeks she was nonreactive in her NST, her heart rate was staying an even line and wasn't fluctuating the way it should. We buzzed my belly, turned me this way and that and she wasn't responding. My BP was also high but I had zero symptoms then so it had went silent aka deadly so off to L&D I go again! My BP was in the 160s/110s would fluctuate to 190s then to 140s and her HB kept dropping so they sent me to imaging to get another ultrasound done to check her biophysical profile. The nurse said to me this shouldn't take long...3 hours later and being coughed on by many sick people she wasn't practicing her breathing in the ultrasound so I just knew they were going to admit me but I had spent SO much time there I really really didn't want to! I had forgotten my phone while going to imaging so my fiancé was blowing the hospital up from his work wanting to know what was going on with us. They got me back to triage and I'm already partly in tears because I'm frustrated and I know what's coming. The nurse came in and said you're not going to like what I'm going to tell you, she didn't even get it out before I burst into ugly sobbing tears asking why?! They were admitting me and likely my baby was coming; we were only 33 weeks then. So they basically strapped me to a bed on Monday 1/30. I was only allowed to go to the bathroom until she was 34 weeks (2/3) Several times that week a hoard of nurses came running in to flip me on my side and strap oxygen to my face because her HB had dropped or my BP would spike. By Wednesday of being strapped to this bed I was like why the hell aren't they taking her?! I had 2 rounds of Celestone a steroid that increases her lungs by 2 weeks. So finally!! Thursday night at 33 weeks 6 days they inserted Cervidil in my vagina it was basically like a tampon, that hurt! But it has to stay in for 12 hours and causes small cramps. They checked 12 hours later and I was 1CM dilated 50% effaced. They started giving me some pills in my cheek then that was also supposed to start labor. For awhile I was having what felt like Braxton hicks and period cramps but they weren't bad. I was playing pandora and dancing with the IV pole 🤣🤣 but around 7 my BP had spiked again so a nurse came in and put me on my side and I looked at my fiancé and said something's not right. All of a sudden it was like I was being cut from hip to hip and they were close and took my breath away! But the nurse said we can give you some IV pain meds but I really wouldn't get them until you can't breathe through your contractions anymore. BTW they had told me my labor would be long and I wouldn't deliver until the next day due to induction so they expected me to take forever. They checked me and I was 4CM 75% effaced so doc just kinda shrugged like you're getting there! So we called our parents who we had JUST sent home because I wasn't having hard contractions until they laid me down. They got bad quick, I'm talking 20 mins later I was being wrecked back to back and the contractions were off the contraction strip. I told my fiancé if my water didn't just break I peed myself so he called the doc in and they confirmed my water had broke...this was literally 10 mins after they checked and I was 4CM. I started screaming epidural please get it in here now! I had intended on getting one the whole time but thought I needed to try and wait since I was supposed to take forever. By the time the guy gets there I'm sweating bullets and I can't even comprehend what anyone is saying to me. My nurse was the worst nurse I had had the whole time, she was jerking me around and kept pressing on my very very sore belly. I'd ask for a minute because of a contraction and she would say no and jerk me around some more. If I could have told my body to assault her I would have it I was in SO much pain. As the anesthesiologist was setting up I was screaming I feel like I have to poop! If I'm not pooping I don't know what that is! And then the worst pain of my life I felt her head, even tho it was small, slip into the canal...remind you I am not medicated yet!! So they sit me up on the side of the bed and again this nurse is jerking me around this way and that then ASKS ME TO SIGN PAPERS! I couldn't even move my arms much less read and sign a paper so I had my fiancé do it even tho they tried to give me shit about that. Finally the guy got started and I didn't feel a thing, my fiancé was like omg that needle but I didn't care just do it! Then they delivered the awful news that it would take 10-15 mins to kick in. It finally started kicking in but only the left side so I had to roll to the right and rock to try and get it to work. The nurse went to check me and said well hello baby because she was indeed in the canal ready to go. The right side epidural finally started working when they got my feet on stirrups which she was already crowning. I pushed 3 times and out she came! I only had the chance to press the epidural button once. *our family still hasn't arrived yet because this is all happening in like 30 mins* my sister was supposed to be my photographer but she was speeding down the road so my fiancé had to take pictures and of course he took pictures of my hoohah 😂 she came out crying but she was 4 pounds even and 17 inches long so she had to go to the NICU but not before we got to hold her for a min! As they were wheeling her out in the incubator my fiances mom comes running in did I miss it?! lol yes yes you did it was flipping quick! Then my mom right after then my sister, all missed it! She spent 1 week and 4 days in the NICU and now she's home with us!! She will be an only child I will not go through that again haha! I told my fiancé if he sneaks another in I WILL schedule a c section. She is 2 weeks old today and 4 pounds 6.5oz!