ovarian cysts help?!?

So about a year and a half ago I had an ovarian cyst on my rights ovary. It was about 3-4 centimetres. I had a check up a few weeks later to see if it had gone and t did. I went on birth control from then and have been on the pill to the mini pill to the Depo shot then back to the pill and then finally off. I've been off of birth control for about a month now. I hadn't had a period and had light spotting for a day without cramps. Took a pregnant test to rule that out and wasn't. I'd been safe so was like 100% sure I wasn't. Now last night I got that oh so familiar pain on my right side again. I was bawling my eyes out. Eventually got to sleep but woke up every hour during the night with the pain. The next day was slightly better but not perfect. I know one ovarian cyst is pretty normal in life but multiple cysts isn't is it? My older sister has pcos. Is it possible I could? What else causes cysts to keep appearing?