Baby food vs adult food


So my son refused baby food completely. No cerealac, spit out pureed foods, smashed baby rusk and was generally unhappy with everything listed on baby food sites. Eventually I just started feeding him what I am having. For breakfast, he has the yolk of my fried egg and a quarter of my husband's french toast, and a few nibbles of a waffle. For lunch, he just has tiny bites for whatever we are having (rice mashed up, buttered torn up bread, mashed potatoes, at times french fries with salt rubbed off etc.). The only thing I make specially for him is suji (no clue what it is called in English) but it is a wheat grain. I toast it in butter, add a few ground almonds or cashew nuts or dates etc and cook it with milk (normal adult milk). Anyone else doing this? The baby is growing and digesting well. But I am.still afraid I am giving his system a bit too much.

The poll is just to figure how solid intake is going. This all assumed continuation of formula or breasrmilk as needed ofcourse

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