Faint line/BFP tip!!! READ ME! ☝🏼️

Hey ladies, just wanted give everyone a couple quick tips (and maybe a little hope for those ttc) based on my personal experience...
1) People are always commenting on pics and saying that vvfps are indent lines or water lines...when I was pregnant I took tons of tests   VERY early and my lines looked like these "water lines" but were actually positives. 😍
2) I got my first vvfp 6 days PO but didn't get a positive on a digital test until 6 days AFTER my missed period. Digital tests are absolutely the clearest home tests, they just don't work as early for some people. 😕
I don't want to give anyone false hope, but I also don't want women to get discouraged based on the posts of others! Especially when they might ACTUALLY BE PREGNANT! 👶🏼👶🏾👶🏽 Prayers and baby dust to you all! 😘✨💕