Anyone on paragard smoke weed?

So i smoke like every other day, some weeks every day but I got my paragard 2 days ago and yesterday i smoked for the first time one day after the insertion. I smoked because i had horrible cramps and i never experienced cramps before the iud and wanted to relieve the pain and also because i was meeting some friends of my bf and i have really bad anxiety and didn't wanna get all weird and closed off from them. So it was all working and i was high and barely feeling the pain and i was talking to the people but after like 30 mins I started feeling my stomach doing crazy shit and it felt like i wanted to vomit/poop at the same time and my vagina felt so weird. I was so worried we had to go home because it was causing me pain and the high was intensifying it makingme  think i was gonna die or something. I smoke all the time so i know its not the weed specifically that did that but maybe weed+paragrard is bad? Anyone experienced this? Btw i went home and diarrhead like crazy. Also we got food before i went home because inwas so hungry so laube its because i smoked on an empty stolach?