she's here 7lbs 10oz my birth story

Denise • Hey girls hey 💁
I haven't had the time to post my birth story because it's true what they say BEING A MOM IS A FULLTIME JOB!!!! 
It all started exactly a week ago, last Friday at this time I was sent to the hospital to get an ultrasound and to do a non stress test. 
Both ultrasound and NST came back Norma but my BP was really high and my lab work showed I had really low blood platelets so they admitted me right away and started to talk to me about the induction process. I was 37wks and 4days. 
From Friday until Monday morning I was on cervidil and only reached 1cm. I was so exhausted and in pain (from the 3-4 cervidils they inserted into me) and my blood pressure was still high and all of a sudden my feet and calfs blew up to the size of tree trunks. My doctor was afraid I had preeclampsia and with my platelets droping she knew our options where thinking. So, she came into my room Monday morning and told me how she thinks the best thing to do is to go for a c section. 
I was so over it at that point and I just wanted my baby out that I said sure!!
At 4:35pm I met the most beautiful creature ever. My daughter was born via c section and after they accessed her the doctor placed her on my chest for skin to skin and it was the greatest feeling ever. My husband got to cut the cord and somehow he managed to film the entire procedure lol. 
I have never loved anything the way I love my baby