somebody?! anybody?!

OK so I went to the doctors make sure everything is fine because I get really bad cramps during my period and random spasms or sharp pains in my cycle. I did an ultrasound and an internal ultrasound and everything was fine they said they didn't see anything. I had a little fluid in my uterus but they said most likely it's nothing. I have appointment on the 16th to follow up. I used opks for the first time this month I got my first positive OPK yesterday which was cycle day 13 and then today, Cycle day 14th all of them are negative. I am getting really crampy on my right side where my ovary I think would be and sometimes it shoots to my uterus but it's a very crampy feeling around my right ovary in my backside. What could it be? Shouldn't of ovulation already occurred yesterday when I got my positive OPK?