How dare he!?!?


Hubby and I are throwing a surprise bday party for his dad at our house today. This was my husband's idea and I'm totally okay with it. I've been up since 7am with the baby and took out all the trash, fed our dogs, cleaned their poop, put dishes away, and basically made sure the house is good to go for the party. My hubby woke up at 10:30am and got to shower and get dressed. His sister got here at 11:10am to help set up. Once his sister got here I handed over our baby to him and told him it was my turn to get ready and pump some milk.

It's now 11:35am and my husband had the nerve to call up to me from downstairs and ask me if I'm ready. I told him no and asked him why. He said, "so that you can come down here and help."

Is he freaking serious right now!?!?!? He's been up for about an hour whereas I've been up ALL morning taking care of our kid, or pets, and our house. I can't believe he actually told me to come down and help. I'm totally going to take my time pumping and getting ready now. Lol

Am I wrong for being annoyed at him???