I need some help, my husband thinks this is no big deal, we can just spray bleach on it.


So my son is excited about his new baby so I bought him a baby doll he loves to play with. Well, he wanted to play with the baby carrier that I had cleaned about a month ago to be ready for the baby.

I had it sitting in our dinning room next to our file cabinet. I grabbed it for him to play with then noticed it is full of mold. So I moved the file cabinet and our walls are covered in mold behind it.

I knew we had a little mold on the window seals a month ago that I cleaned. I thought that was due to us having old single pained windows and the windows condinsating. I cleaned it up and didn't think about it again. Well once I saw the carseat, I looked at them again. All of our window seals are full of mold also!!

Well now I am worried. I am 32 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old in this house. Is this safe for us??

My husband thinks if we clean it with bleach it will be ok, but I feel that we have a bigger problem.

I need help, I literally had a melt down once I saw this.

Oh, and that is a fake leaf from my wedding bouquet in the picture.