I think I may have endo !! help!!

So I'm almost 15 and I got my period at 13. The first period I had was fine, no problems along with the next few ones. However about a year ago I started getting some of the most severe lower back and pelvic pain that gets especially worse on my period. I experience awful fatigue (to the point of sleeping all day) and headaches on my period. I also get horrid cramps and bloating and can barely eat the entire week. The most alarming thing however is that I get HUGE blood clots and bleed extremely heavily. I generally get blood clots the size of a freaking lemon. I go through tampons every 2 hours and bleed through everytime. I thought this was just a normal pesky period for the longest time but after doing some research about endo and talking to my friends who don't have horrible periods I've concluded that something is definitely wrong. I don't know how to bring this up to my mom and doctor. Do you think that it could possibly endometriosis?