So this is going to be a long story but I seriously need some answers, so please read. So right now I'm 14 and I got my first period 2 years ago in Feb of 2015. Everything was pretty normal. Normal blood, I didn't even get and cramps, normal to heavy flow. But it lasted for 2 WEEKS. 2 WHOLE WEEKS! My period was pretty consistent, maybe a day or two in the middle I got spotting and towards the end. So that was probably the wierdest part of my first period. My mom told me to start tracking my period so I could keep try to guesstimate when my next one would be, so I did. I knew that your first couple of periods are irregular, so I was sort of expecting that. So fastward to March, didn't get it, April nothing, May nada, June was dry. And it was like this for the rest of the year. So that meant I only got my period once in 2015. 2016 rolls in and a couple of months pass still hasn't happened. In August I went in for a physical and my doctor asked me if I have gotten my period and I said yes, once in Feb 2015. (At this time I was 13) She tells me to wait a couple of months after I turn 14 and see if I get my period. So fast forward to October and I notice brown discharge (NO BLOOD). As the gross human being I am, I don't think much of it and move on with my day. (I started to wear a panty liner bc it lasted for a couple of days). Again in November (also when i turned 14) this phenomenon happened again (no blood), thought nothing of it. Next month, happens, next month happens (no blood either month). So this last week I have been sick so I went to the doctor and while I was there I told her that this had been happening. She didn't really understand my description of it, so she couldn't pin point what it is. She requested that I get blood work to see if my hormones are messed up or something, and if they are I have to take medication to fix it. She said I might just have a super light period, but it doesn't make sense bc my first one was pretty heavy. Also if any of you have experienced this before or something similar, keep in mind that I have never seen blood (maybe once or twice when I wipe, but never on a pad) and that the brown discharge is a dark brown, not light. Also there have been small "chunks" and my mom said that could be chunks from my uteren lining. So please if anyone knows anything about this, PLEASE HELP