Frustrations and Friendships when TTC


So my best friend is pregnant, again, with her fourth. We just had her gender reveal party and I want to be happy for her, but I just can't. She has never struggled to get pregnant, ever. My husband and I have been trying for months and the emotional roller coaster it has put me on is exghausting. She tries to say she understands but she doesn't, I know she just can't. She used to ask how it was going with us trying to conceive, but lately it is all about her. I feel like a terrible friend/person, but I just really don't care. I don't want to hear her complain about how this pregnancy is so tiring, I don't want to hear how she's not sure how she will parent 4 kids and what did she get herself into. I especially don't want to hear how she's happy it's a girl because she isn't sure she could handle a second boy. I would die to have just one baby, and I wouldn't care if it was a boy or girl, I would love to handle pregnancy symptoms, nausea, fatigue, it doesn't matter.

I feel like a terrible friend for being so blah and jealous, but I also feel like she isn't being very understanding either....I don't know. Just needed to vent. Anyone else feel the same?