clomid effects...please help!

Erin • Married ❤️ Mommy to Ava Noelle 11/17/17 💜
Hi ladies. Looking for some insight please! This is my 3rd cycle using clomid. I used it 2 times last summer and got pregnant with twins on the second cycle which sadly resulted in a miscarriage. Took a few months off and decided to start trying again this month and I am now on CD 5 and will be taking my last pill tonight. Early Friday morning I awoke to awful nausea and stomach bloating which lasted the whole day. The nausea has decreased a bit but my stomach is still so very bloated and I have no appetite whatsoever. I put a call in for my doctor a bit ago but was just wondering if anyone else had experienced the same. I did have a cold when I started the clomid but I don't think that is what caused this. Thanks so much for any help💜